Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Twinkie Run

I was so proud of my boys team today when I got home from work and six of them were waiting on my back porch waiting and ready to knock out at 7-8 mile run in the rain. I pretty much thought that they would blow off the run, especially on days like today when we post a work-out has been canceled on the girls coach's window of his classroom, leaving it up to them to run on their own. But these bad boys, they are hard core!

Needless to say, I quickly ran inside and got ready to run. Upon returning to my athletes I then realized that among them was my daughter, who is one of our top girls, but not quite up to speed to run with my top boys who gathered to face the onslaught of the looming hurricane. Dressed and ready to go, wearing her brothers University of Oregon sweatshirt, the first words out of her mouth were, "are you going to run with me dad?" Rain, Oregon sweatshirt, cute smile, wanting to run with her dad, how could I refuse. So for four happy miles I laughed, joked and got to spend time with my oldest daughter out doing what we do best, run. She even pushed the pace on me for a few miles. I think my time as the fastest runner in the house is quickly coming to an end.

After dropping her off at home I continued on for another four miles and ran into my boys working their way back. I noticed that one of my top runners was running a little behind and didn't look so good. As we were approaching my house he fell back a little ways and I waited for him. When he caught up, I asked him how he was feeling? "Not good. Twinkies."

Apparently on the run they had to stop to use the bathroom at the local Hostess store. While waiting for the one to finish his business, another runner asked, "do have anything for free?" At which the clerk pointed to a basket of Twinkies and muffins. Now, if you know anything about teenage boys, do not point to anything edible and say the word free. So gleefully they loaded up on free Twinkies and muffins and proceeded to continue on their merry way. While a Twinkie may make a fine pre-run snack, a whole stomachful on the other hand is a different story. I laughed and the first thing I thought of was, "a Twinkie sounds pretty good right now."

These are some hard core runners. Rain, Twinkies, and enough mischief to make a barrel full of monkeys seem boring.

It was a good day with a good run with some super great kids!

p.s.. Fellas, next time, don't forget to grab a few Twinkies for your coach.

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