Thursday, January 7, 2010

Training Plan for 2010

After posting my nine goals for 2010 it hit me that I need to have a game plan in place if I am to accomplish those goals. After several days of thought, coffee, reading, coffee, consulting others and even more coffee, I have decided to follow Jack Daniels training plan. (Jack Daniels the coach, author, and PhD, not the whiskey, although I am sure I will need a shot or two of that after some days of hard running.) His plan calls for a twenty-four week period that is broken down into four phases to help you run as fast as you can for a peak race or period of racing. Since my racing goals are to finish in the top five in the Fresno Runner of the Year Series and race at the Masters National Track Championships, this program works out perfectly for when the most important races of the year take place.

The big drawback for me is that I want to race now! The first race of the Fresno Runner of the Year is this Saturday, but I know I am not ready to race a 6 mile race, I just want to get out there and feel the excitement again. I know it sounds crazy, but I miss that "I'm gonna puke" feeling just before the gun goes off, the "Frankenstein" walk after the race, and swapping lores of yesteryears' glory days with fellow scrawny, knobby-kneed runners as we celebrate the race, with what else, more running. However, Daniels says not yet. As a coach myself, I know how important it is for athletes to build the proper base before jumping in and racing, yet as an athlete too, I know that the whole reason many of us do this sport is to race and compete. So I am just going to have to be patient and do it right. After all, the main reason I have not been able to race much over the past few years is due to the fact that I rushed into running hard work-outs and racing too soon.

Phase 1: Six weeks of easy running and building mileage. I have not missed a day since November 30, 2009 and have ran 39 consecutive days. Last week I managed 70 miles for the week, but due to a flair up in my left hamstring, I am aiming to run 60-miles this week. Although I have been running consistently over the past eight weeks, I want to follow Daniels plan as it is in his book, Daniels' Running Formula, therefore I am counting this week as week 1 of the the 24 week 5k-15k racing plan. So Dr. Daniels, here is to the next 24 weeks and hoping for some fast masters personal bests.

Until then, keep healthy and running!

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