Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Hamstring

Today I ran only two miles to test out the hamstring after yesterday's little fiasco. However, to be on the safe-side, I went to Sports Chalet and bought a neoprene deluxe thigh support device. Talk about "does this thing make my thighs look big?" Someone needs to put a disclaimer on the packaging that these little devices run small! Upon opening the package, it looked like it was plenty big enough, but stalled at the knee when I tried to slip it on. Of course I did not wait to get home to try it out, oh no, I was cruising around the parking lot in my wife's Honda Fit with my pants pulled down, while trying to get this piece of elastic rubber up my freaking leg. (Wife was driving the car.) Fortunately, she was pulling into a parking spot and did not crash into another car while laughing her head off at my ridiculous predicament. After finally slipping the device off and my pants up, I went back to Sports Chalet and exchanged it for the correct size.

After getting home with the correct size of thigh device, I gave it a test drive. Since I live only 1/4 of mile from the high school I coach at, I decided to do my run on the track today in order to have a quick trip back home if something went wrong.

On the jog over I could feel a little tension in the hamstring, so I went slow and easy. Once on the track I was able to slowly pick it up until I was easily cruising 7:30 per mile pace round and round. I don't think I have ever been so happy to run so easy for so short of time. Happy hamstrings make happy runners. Whew...big relief. My left hamstring may be strained, but not so bad that I can't do some light running to keep on track for my 2010 goals.

Until tomorrow, keep running, healthy, and have happy hamstrings,

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