Friday, January 15, 2010

If it is not one leg, it's the other

Well, the left hamstring is feeling much better, but gosh darn it! I was out running with my guys Friday and bam! There went the right hamstring. Fortunately I was able to complete the run, but hello Aleve and neoprene deluxe thigh thingy. At least after two days of running easy, it is feeling much better. I guess my right hamstring was feeling a little jealous of the left looking all sexy in its tight little neoprene sleeve. Ooooh baby.

So to say the least the running was very easy and minimal this week. Today marked day 49 in a row and a total of 40 miles for the week. The good news, both left and right felt much better today and that nasty ol sweaty neoprene thigh device will get a break tomorrow. One thing I have noticed over the past couple of weeks is that, man, there is always something from the waist down that is aching. Did you know that your toe next to your pinky toe can feel like it is being shoved up your knee cap? Holy cow! Or that when your hips get over 40 they don't turn on a dime and then you fall so fast that you are actually happy that you do have a butt now. Whew, good thing I have a Costco size bottle of Aleve. Anyway, learning to listen to my body again is coming along quite easy, since my body is constantly screaming, "what are you doing?!"

Until next time, keep running, stay healthy and remember, if it is not one leg hurting, it's the other,

Total for the week: 40-miles
Total for January: 109-miles
Total for 2010: 109-miles

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