Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spouse Supported Streaking

Ok. I know what you are thinking, but no this does not involve running around in my Nike Marathon Racers and nothing else. Well, maybe once or twice back in college on those Full Moon Midnight runs. This is about those good ol' running streaks of consecutive days, months, and years. My favorite shirt at the moment is a Nike t-shirt that simply says "Every Damn Day." Now, to be honest, I have never been big on streaking until just these past few months. Even though in the past I have had streaks of 120-150 days, they were always followed up with a week or two of non-running, and they were never planned, just part of my daily running habit. However, now "every damn day" I am out the door and putting in some mileage.

Today, my current running streak of 45 days almost came to a halt at 44. Just because I once did not consider streaking to be essential to my running regime, I have had a change in perception. After nearly 8 years of very little to non-running as the norm, I needed to have a goal in which to help keep me focused on those days when I did not feel like dragging my broken down bones out the door in the rain or such as the case of this week, just too much crap going on in all the other areas of my life. Therefore I have set a goal of running at least 100 days in a row. Nothing magical, mystical, or calculated. Just an easy number that was still a challenge to get me back in the habit of consistent training and doing what is essential to maintain that training to meet my other 9 goals for 2010. Thank goodness, my wife is being very supportive of my return to this crazy sport of running and I got out the door tonight to keep the streak going. (I personally think she just likes to see me in tights.)

So I wanted to take a moment and say "Thank You" to my biggest supporter, my wife. After both of us working all day, me being gone the past two nights, and my turn to make dinner tonight, she sent me out to run during our dinner time so that I could keep my goal of 100 straight days. For those of us who are married, have careers, and families, you know how cool it is when your spouse supports your running habit. So to all those streak supporting spouses, thanks for supporting us who live the running life.

Until next time, keep running, stay healthy, and at our age, keep your running shorts on.

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