Thursday, February 4, 2010

These Days

Yesterday I had a great run! It was not so much that I got in my second 10+ mile run for the week and it only being Wednesday, but I ran 6 of those miles with my oldest daughter. What is amazing is that I was out for a run with my guys and she was hanging tough with the big boys. I love it.

Lately, she has really stepped up her training and has been a roll. Last Friday, she tied her personal best in the mile during a work-out, running all by herself. She went out a little fast, but she adjusted and hung in there to finish it off. I have to say, I am having one of those proud daddy days. It's tough raising a 16 year old daughter, but when you share a common love, running, it opens up many doors and moments to share with on another. All I can say is, it sure is fun to run with her. I sure am going to miss days like yesterday when she is gone to college in a few short years. I don't think she fathoms just how much days like yesterday mean to me.

Each day I work with teenagers as a teacher and often I hear them complain about how their parents just don't care or spend anytime with them. I often feel sorry for them, both students and parents. I feel very fortunate that I can share this crazy lifestyle, running, with my daughter. Whether she goes on to run in college like I did or not, win or lose, I have the privilege to spend time with my daughter, laughing, talking, and just getting to know each other better. I hope, she sees how my lifestyle of running is an outward expression of the things I feel are important in life: faith, dedication, hard work and belief in yourself. I hope by our runs that I am passing down to her these values that I feel make someone a better person. But more important, I hope she realizes that as much as I love this running life, I love her, her brother and sister and mom, more than anything and that it is the time together, not the miles, the mean the most to me.

Until the next time, keep running, stay healthy, and go hug your kids and tell them you love them.

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