Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Over the past 86 days of running, I have done roughly 90% of that running all by myself. Even though I enjoy my quiet time out on the roads and trails, I am beginning to miss those days of when I used to do 90% of my running with team-mates and training partners. As I look back over the years, I have been blessed and honored to have ran with so many different runners. I have ran with aspiring Olympians, American-record holders, World Championship team members, old, young, tall, short, male, female, veteran and newbies. I have met all of my running heroes, Bill Rogers, Alberto Salazar, and Pat Porter, in which I called Porter once after one too many beers to wish him good luck on his 7th consecutive American championship title in cross country. I have shared laughs, disappointments, and the camaraderie that only comes with running with other like-minded individuals who have chosen to pound their bodies mile after mile after mile. There is nothing like hanging out with your own species and runners were not meant to run alone. So this week I pay tribute to the five most influential team-mates/running partners in this running life.

First, before starting my five part series on my favorite all time training partners, I tip my hat to the other five, those who would have made the cut if I was doing my top 10.

Coming in at number 10, Frank, a high school team-mate that knew how to push me to reach for higher goals. Although, his running life has been plagued with injuries over the past several years, I now get the privilege of coaching his son.

Number 9, the 1998 College of Sequoias Cross Country team. I got to be the assistant coach that year and had an absolute blast sharing some very good times with these guys. Who knew that college kids still loved "story time."

Number 8, David and Amador, the original McFarland High School superstars of running. These two guys had such a great sense of humor and love of running, you could not help but want to run fast. These two guys were always the first ones to congratulate you on a good job or offer a word of encouragement if you had a bad one.

Number 7, Lino, another Tulare Union grad who has fallen in love with this crazy life called running. The thing I love about running with Lino is that he is so hungry to learn about the sport, plus, at my age, to be able to run with a young 20 something pushes me to do better.

Number 6, my current high school team at Tulare Union. Although my role is coach, these guys, my boys, have reminded my of all the good reasons of why I have chosen to live my life this way. I hope as a coach I give them as much as they give me. Not only that, they are becoming an awesome group of runners.

To all of you guys, THANKS! for sharing in the journey.

Until tomorrow when I share about number 5, keep running and stay healthy,


  1. They are good guys aren't they? I need to get out and do a warm up with them again. Their pace KILLS me though! XD

  2. Daniel, you are more than welcome to join us anytime.
