Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cherry Garcia

Yesterday was my 71st day in a row of running and I managed to run a double of 5 and 9 miles. I felt pretty good! The day before was my 70th day and I totaled 70 miles for the week. That felt pretty darn good too. All in all, I have to say I am on a good roll and feeling really good about my training. I have 1 more easy week of phase 1 of my training plan and then next week when I move into phase 2, I start incorporating two up-tempo/interval work-outs into the mix. Not sure if I feel good about that yet, but at the moment, having just finished day 72 with a 7 mile run, I think I need to celebrate the moment somehow.

One of the benefits of this current streak is that I have lost between 12-15 pounds over the past two months. Part of it is the running and the other part is that I have scaled way back on my consumption of ice cream every night. In fact it has been several weeks since I last had ice cream. When my wife sent me to the store to buy an onion, I decided that walking up to the cashier with just an onion wouldn't look right. What's a guy to do? I thought about some dark draft lager, but then I went down the frozen section and there it was, my old friend, Cherry Garcia.

For those not acquainted with Vermont's finest ice cream vendors, Ben and Jerry, you should definitely splurge the extra $2.00 and get a pint of their creamy bing cherry ice cream with delicious chunks of chocolate and let your mouth take a grateful trip that will let your tongue have psychedelic flashbacks with each spoonful. Man, it is gooooood stuff. I knew right away how I was going to celebrate my recent running milestones.

I know we need to watch what we eat and drink and take care of our bodies, but every once in awhile we need to treat ourselves to something else we love besides running. So, with onion in hand and Cherry Garcia in the other, I checked out and am now enjoying over 700 calories of cherry chocolate heaven. I guess I am going to have to double tomorrow. Oh well.

Until the next time, keep running, stay healthy and go get yourself some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and live a little!

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