Saturday, February 6, 2010


I have been itching to step on the track ever since I made up my mind to return to track racing this year. Now granted, my first track race will not be until either May or June, but I just wanted to jump in there and get my feet wet. According to my training plan I still have one more week of easy running after this one. So I should stay away from the track as I am building my mileage up. But I just couldn't help myself and those brand new Nike Marathon Racers were just begging me today to come out of the box and go for a run. How can you say no to those beautiful little red and blue swooshes?

So, out the door I went and warmed up 3 miles before hitting the track. I stretched and did my strides. Which felt really good. Flying down the backstretch, arms pumping, knees lifting, back straight and feeling like I could do these all day long. I was pumped. I decided I would do 12 X 400 with 200 jog recovery. A pretty easy and basic work-out. I figure I couldn't do any damage and I would just go at 85% effort. Feeling confident, lean, and ready to go, I strode off into my first repeat.

As I came through the finish, I glanced at my watch and...what?! That can't be right! Ok. It is the first repeat and I have not stepped on the track in a very, very, very long time. Plus I ran 15 miles yesterday. It will be faster on the next one. So as I jogged my recovery I hit the starting point and strode off again, this time pumping my arms a little bit more and sure enough...ugggggh, no way! I use to jog faster than this! Ok, ok, it is just the cold, rain, and the 15 from yesterday. 200 meters later I am off again and...yup, you guessed it, another 400 slower than I had expected. Now I am starting to get a little depressed.

What's a poor middle-aged runner to do? I had to reevaluate why I was even doing this work-out. While I was jogging my recovery I decided to take off my watch and run off of effort. Problem fixed. For the next 9 400 meter repeats I ran in the bliss of ignorance of not knowing my times, but knowing I was giving the right effort and focusing on what was important. Learning to go round and round again with a focus and determination that will lead to faster times down the line as I relaxed and went with the flow of my body. So even though I was headed towards a disappointing work-out, by a quick adjustment I was able to salvage the morning and get back on track of why I am out here at 42 on a rainy day with no-one else but me and the worms escaping the infield. I was out here because I still enjoy pushing myself to new limits and running hard. This is what I am, a runner. Slow, fast or in-between, I love to run and run hard regardless of what the watch says. I can say now, I had a great first track work-out for 2010 and I am looking forward to many more this spring.

So until the next time, keep running, stay healthy, and if you need to, put the old watch away.

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