Thursday, February 25, 2010

Midnight Runs

First up in my all time Top Five trainer partners is my COS team-mate Todd. Todd was the first philosophical runner who took a scientific approach to running. This guy was so well-versed in running, at a seminar in San Francisco, even Dr. Joe Vigil, the legendary coach who was instrumental in creating the Adams State dynasty had a hard time answering his questions. Todd approached running like he did life, it was a great mystery that one had to solve and do so in such a manner that it not only have meaning, but make a better man in the process.

The best part of running with Todd was that he was that one team-mate that always made you feel that you could accomplish anything. Not once in the many years of running together did I ever hear him say one negative thing about his team-mates. He was always encouraging everyone on the team to reach for higher goals. Todd was a runner of high goals and high standards and he freely shared these standards and expectations in order for all of us to reach higher.

During the summers, Todd introduced us to midnight runs. For several weeks during the hot months of June, July and August, we would meet at Todd's and another team-mate's, David, apartment at midnight and go for a 8-10 mile run around town. On some of those nights we would do a fartlek work-out. Since Todd had high standards he would tell us, "we are not going to do an American fartlek, we are doing a European or African fartlek! There will be no jogging. We are working hard gentlemen!" And sure enough, we would go flying through the streets of Visalia at break-neck speed. Man, I miss those summer nights.

When I decided to take running seriously, it was Todd who inspired me to go from the 13th man on our cross country to one of the top 10,000 meter runners in JC NorCal to eventually earning two All American awards. So Todd, thanks man for being the first team-mate to push me to reach for higher goals and to do it in such a way that would not only make me a better runner, but also a better person.

Until the next time, keep running, stay healthy, and make sure you say thanks to those who inspire you to run!

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