Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mountain Men

When I talk to my boys about how running in college is the best experience, outside of running on an Olympic or World Championship team, you can have in this crazy running life, I don't think of my great coaches, races, and accomplishments. I think of two of the greatest guys I have ever ran with, my Sonoma State team-mates Phil and Eric. I have drank more coffee, shared laughs, and ran some of the best miles I have ever ran with these two guys.

Eric was, is and always will be quick with a witty smart-ass remark for every situation followed by a hearty laugh. A true renaissance man, Eric has traveled the world, read the great books, loves good music and hates trendy commercial dribble that is passed off as being sophisticated. Once a few years ago when we were running around Sonoma State, two girls looked and smiled at us. Now being close to 40, it had been a long time since a college girl smiled at me, but leave it to Eric to put it in proper perspective, "They are thinking, isn't that cute, those old college professors are trying to stay in shape." We laughed all the way back to my house, wondering where the years had gone.

Eric also had a way of coming up with some challenging work-outs. One in particular was 3-5 X 11/2 miles on a single track trail up in the hills of Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa. As we dodged branches, jutting rocks, hopped a brook and navigated treacherous footing, Eric would fly off yelling,"this is a mountain man work-out!" With mud flying up our legs and getting drenched with rain and sweat, we whooped and hollered along one of the best and most fun work-outs we have ever ran. Afterwards, over lattes, we would discuss everything from politics to music to literature to family.

Phil, my fist college room-mate, is the most solid guy I have ever ran with. With a quirky sense of humor and impish grin, you know you are in for a good time when you are hanging out with Phil. Now Phil is not crazy wild, he too, like Eric, is just flat out witty and knows what levers are for real and which ones are for show and has no problem telling you. Honest, hard-working and funny, he is just the kind of guy you would want for a roommate. One night while studying, I look down from my loft to see him come out of his bedroom with a Steve Martin arrow on his head, singing along to the Repo Man soundtrack doing his best Peter Garret dance moves, go the refrigerator, grab a drink and dance merrily back to his room and back to work. How can you not love a guy like that.

Running in the hills of Annadel State Park was always an adventure with Phil. He loved running hills and trails. An avid mountain bike rider as well, he knew that park better than any of us and when we would come across some obscure trail that seemed to drop off the face of the earth, hold on, he would take you on a wild ride, that kept you praying that you would not break your leg or snap off your foot. I swear he must be part mountain goat, but it did teach me to be light on my feet! The best part about Phil is that he was and is a good friend.

Running partners come and go, but some are completely irreplaceable. Phil and Eric fall into that once in a lifetime group of people that were not only good friends, but friends that make you a better person. Running is a great way of life. I love the way I feel after a good hard work-out. I love the sense of pride in a job well done after a race. But most of all, I love the fact that all the people I have gotten to know over the past 28 years have all helped shape me into the person I am today and none have had as much of impact as these two guys. In case I haven't said it in awhile, thanks Phil and Eric.

Until the next time, keep running and stay healthy! And call up an old running partner and share some laughs!

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