Monday, February 15, 2010

Good-Bye 42

Today was day 78 in a row with 12 miles to log for the day. It is also my last day being 42 as I get ready to start another trip around the sun. This past year was pivotal in my running life, mainly because it was the first year in many that I actually had goals and got out and ran for the majority of the year.

My 42nd year did not start off too good, as on my birthday last year I injured my left foot doing a track work-out with my high school guys that lead to a severe case of plantar fascia, which lead to my current state of having to wear orthotics. However, since that time I have slowly built up my running regimen and am now logging 65-70 miles per week, losing all the fat I gained, and more importantly, I am having the most fun with my running in over 15 years!

As I say good-bye to 42, it is with excitement that I look forward to 43 and all the racing adventures that lie ahead. I am looking forward to reconnecting with former team-mates and adversaries on the roads, track and xc courses. I am looking forward to not just revisiting our "Glory Days," but also sharing a laugh about how we just duked it out like a couple of college kids. I look forward to seeing how my high school kids improve and compete. I look forward to watching my daughter blossom on the track this season. And I look forward of sharing this running life with you.

So to everyone that I have shared this running life with, thanks for helping make 42 a phenomenal year and I anxiously await tomorrow to head into the new adventure that 43 holds in-store.

Until the next time, keep running, stay healthy and enjoy each every step along the journey.

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