Monday, November 22, 2010

The Week that Was

I have now ran 23 straight days and this last week was the first week that I actually felt like a runner again. I ended up with a total of 43 miles for the week. Not too bad, considering I am fighting a cold and my wife has been sick all week, keeping me up most nights with coughing fits. As we head into Thanksgiving this week, my goal is to reach 50-55 miles. I hope by keeping this running blog-log it will help me formalize my training and give me a new tool in which to reflect on my journey as an older athlete as I record my training and racing in a new format. For those of you who read my blog, I just want to say thanks for your encouragement. I really do appreciate it. Sometimes just that simple response or word makes a world of difference on those days that "I just am not feeling it." Well, it is time to head out and make it day 24.

As always, keep healthy and keep running!

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