Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bloody Nipple!

I just finished my 7-8 mile run and I noticed the weather was a little chilly, but I was not expecting this! Feeling a little sensitive in the pectoral department, I reach to examine the area only to discover an excruciating electric shock from my nipple to my toes! Owwww! Not only that, a little stream of blood flowed from the hamburger that was once part of my anatomy. Man, I am even more glad than ever that I am a man and not a woman. My hats off to you ladies and all that you have to endure. It is bad enough being out of shape, but now my man-boobs are mocking me and protesting my efforts to eliminate them. But alas, oh sensitive fatty flesh, you will soon be dissolved and will taunt me no more. However, until then, I think I need to invest into some vaseline and band-aids or else it is going to be a long, bloody winter!

As always, keep healthy, keep running, and protect those sensitive areas!


  1. We have some nice running bras in the
    store, but no DD, hopefully your not there
    yet. Drawing blood! That's my type of runner
    and why I loved having you as one of our
    captains. The boys would be proud of you.
    Ran with Carlos yesterday we were just talking
    about you and it was great to see you getting
    back into some series training. We will both be
    along with Studa at the PA x/c championships
    running this weekend.

    Keep running, it gets easier. Bet you have heard that

  2. Aldge man! Yeah, I'm not that big yet, but you know, if you are not leaving your blood, sweat, and tears on the trail, well, you didn't run too hard that day. I'm hoping to get up that way during winter break. Sometime during the first week of January. I need a run in Annadel.
