Thursday, November 25, 2010


After 26 days of running, I did something I was not quite ready for; I ran in my first race since March. This morning I ran in our local Thanksgiving 5K and ran a dismal 20:04. However, I did have a great time being back in the running community on this sunny frigid day and it made me reflect on why I am thankful I am a runner. So on this day that we pause and offer thanks for all our blessings, here is a list of my top 5 running blessings:

Number 1: I am thankful for my former high school teammate and friend Shannon. After 25 years, she still loves the sport, has passed it down to her son, Tommy, and always makes me laugh and smile with her outgoing personality. (Shannon, note that I did not mention you running with an iphone today and then stuffing it in your... oh wait, I guess I just did.)

Number 2: I am thankful for my guys that I coach! On a freezing arctic morning, they chose to get up at the crack of dawn, pay $25 and give it 110% for a good cause! Not only that, they had a great time racing some of the best open/college runners in our area. You guys are savages!

Number 3: Coach Dave Bronzan. What can I say, here is the man who introduce me to a whole new world of running with his passion for the sport and he was out this morning taking pictures and encouraging all past, current and future COS runners and more!

Number 4: Our current runners who are attending and competing for Adams State, Chico State and Humboldt State who came home and ran in our local race and provide a great example for our young runners to look up to. Through their hard work, dedication and commitment, they have taken their running to a whole new level. Keep it up fellas!

Number 5: Although it was slow, I was still able to run! I can still put one foot in front of the other, the way I love to do it best! I love this sport. It is part of who I am. I have been blessed with a healthy body and I still get to enjoy cold mornings, rainy afternoons, and sunny days out on a trail pushing my body to its limits.

So to all of my running friends, have a blessed Thanksgiving, eat well, and Thank You for being a part of my running life! As always, stay healthy and keep running!

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