Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just Didn't Feel It!

I just wasn't feeling it today! The legs were achy, students got on my nerves, I was tired, cranky and just plain ol' didn't want to drag my big fat hairy out of shape booty out the door this afternoon! Just when I thought I would settle into the easy chair, contemplating which BBQ sauce to add to the pork, and a nice cold dark brown drink...Bam! Flashback!

Back when I was finishing up my final cross country season at Sonoma State I was having a lousy work-out one afternoon. Now I normally did not complain about doing a work-out, but this particular day I was just not feeling it. My legs were sore and achy and I had just ran one of the best races of my life the weekend before at the Stanford Invitational. My legs were toast. Burnt toast to boot. I remember stumbling through an 800 meter repeat and jogging up to my coach, who was waiting for me patiently and before I could say anything he says, "Not feeling too good? Tired? Well, you will be tired in races." Ahh man, how do I respond to that? All I could do was nod my head, fall in line and finish the work out. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't one of my most memorable interval sessions. Heck, I can't even say I finished feeling good. I still felt like crap. But I learned a lesson, runners don't skip out on the daily grind just because thy are a little tired and achy! That is what separates us from joggers.

So there I am sitting in the chair, enjoying the aroma of the roasting pig meat, salivating, and I have this decision, am I a jogger or a runner? Dang! So on with the shorts, t-shirt and adidas and out the door. It was not pretty. It was not the best run I have had in the last 19 days, but I got it done. I finished. I am still a runner. Now, time to eat some pulled pork sandwiches!

As always, stay healthy and keep on running! Even if you are not feeling it!

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