Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Adidas

I'm about to make that maiden voyage in my brand new pair of Adidas Supernova Sequence. As a lifelong Nike fan, I do believe I am becoming a convert of the three striped vintage brand of sport footwear. Not that I had a falling out with my first running love that cushioned each strike of the pavement, dirt and track on those pillowy clouds of air bags, it is just as I have gotten older, I have noticed that my foot has changed as well as my hairline and waistline. But we will not talk about those. Besides, the hairline has made me more aerodynamic! With the changes in my foot, making the right choice of shoe is even more important than ever.

So as I prepare to head out the door to keep the streak going, the first and most important element is to make sure my feet are properly taken care. After trying on several pairs of Nikes, Asics, New Balance, Brooks and Mizunos, it was the Adidas that stole the affection of my 10 little piggies as they all want to run to the market. Having spent much of the last six months dealing with one little nagging injury after another, it finally occurred to me, I was not making the best choice in footwear for my current condition and bio-mechanical needs. As a coach, I preach the importance of choosing the best shoe for the athlete, yet, I was a brand guy and not only that, I wanted a stylish shoe! After all, the shoe says so much about the runner. Did I want to be seen in a clunky jogger shoe? Hell No! I'm a serious runner baby. I need the lightest, sleekest, fastest looking shoe there is.

Unfortunately, I am no longer the lightest, sleekest, fastest me. Geez, where did he get off to? Is he coming back? He will, but it will be a light, sleek, slower 43 year old me with a different body than that one that used to tear it up at 25. As I head out the door to chisel off the fat and work on the ol' leg turn over, my little piggies will be crying wee wee wee all the way on the run! So keep those feet healthy and happy and choose the right shoe and I hope to see you at the races!

As always, stay healthy and keep running!

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