Thursday, February 3, 2011


Before I get too far into today's musings, I just need to say that I think that my wife is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I find her just as stunning and sexy today as I did the first time she grabbed my attention by trying to attract me by taking up running. I can still see her coming out of her dorm room in her split red running shorts, blond hair pulled back in a pony-tail and just flat out looking hot. Sooooo, sweetie, don't take part of today's blog wrong, I still only have eyes for you.

So I was out running in the fog again yesterday morning at the ungodly hour of 5:00 am when a few miles into my run I see the silhouette of five figures moving somewhat quickly towards me. It is already creepy running in the fog and dark, but this, this really got my heart pumping. Scanning the area for an escape route if these ghostly figures prove to be dangerous, I began to plot my defense plan. Would I lead them on a wild chase? Should I squeal like a little girl? Or maybe, I should pretend that I am the white Mr. Miyogi and go Karate Kid on them? I had a feeling that if these fast approaching beings proved unfriendly it would be a combination of the first two, running away screaming! But in the next few moments I realized that these strangers in the early morning mist were not foul creatures looking for trouble.

Like any red-white and blue blooded man, I just experienced one of the sexiest things in my life. Five middle aged, fit, tight wearing (without bulges) women, between 30-40 years old went running past me! Now, now I was wishing they would mug me! Pure sexiness. Sweat dripping from their foreheads, heavy rhythmic breathing, and me telling myself over and over, "I'm a married runner, I'm a married runner." And in a flash, they disappeared into the morning fog.

Now I am thinking, I wonder if middle aged running chicas find me sexy? There is a certain amount of vanity that comes along with being an athlete, especially runners. Seriously, I'm afraid that my running tights make my butt look too big. When someone is approaching me on a run, I always make sure that I straighten up, wipe the slobber from my chin and try to look as effortless as possible in my stride while picking up the pace. I even brush my teeth and comb what little is left of my hair. And I must admit, although, I don't buy matching running gear, I try to color coordinate what I am running in. If I can't run fast anymore, I should at least look good! I mean, heck, I want middle aged women to be jealous of my wife and think, "I wish my husband still looked like that!" Or, "mmmmmm, look at that butt" as I gallop by, smiling and waving with my one eyebrow raised in mischief.

Well, it is time to lace up and head out the door! I'm not too sure if I am still sexy or if even I once was, but don the tights I will this morning, hoping my butt is not too big and pound out some miles. As always, stay healthy, keep running and for all you hot middle aged running babes out there, just to let you know, I am not available, I am a very, very happily married man, but you can enjoy the window shopping!

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