Friday, February 4, 2011

Playing Track

After watching this video it reminded me of all the times I would be in the middle of an extremely hard work-out and my teammate Chip and I would start playing track. Having grown up in the Golden Age of the European track seasons of the late 70's and early 80's I got to witness some remarkable Dream Mile races. When the distress would set in and we would reach a point where we thought it might be unbearable as the lactic acid monkey jumped on our backs, one of us would muster the strength to break out in our best pseudo British accent and begin to announce our work-out as the Dream Mile.

There are so many miles that mind drifted to some exotic European track where I was representing the good ol' USA, like Steve Scott, leaving the likes of Coe, Ovett, and Cram in the wake of my dust. For some strange reason, by allowing our minds to drift off into the fantasy of being world class mile runners we could somehow manage the extremes of training and when we finished, with contorted bodies bent over and grasping our knees, sucking in every last ounce of oxygen our exhausted lungs could handle, we managed to let out a full bodied chuckle at our exploits defeating the world's best. Those were good times. Good times.

So Chip, this video is for you and all the adventures we had dreaming of being the best the world had ever seen.

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