Thursday, February 24, 2011

Barely Streaking By

It has been one of those weeks. You know, the kind where each and every morning you wish you could call in sick and just crawl back under the covers until noon. When every student ask you a question and you just want to glare at them and ask sarcastically in your best Clint Eastwood, "Do you feel lucky punk? Well, do you?" Even though the poor sap only wanted clarification on the directions for an assignment. It was a week where I felt I was nothing more than a crazy San Francisco taxi cab driver, darting from one corner of the city to another at breakneck speed, flying over every bump in the road. It was if the whole world suddenly found the fast forward button on the remote and decided that I needed to move about like a squirrel hopped up on Red Bull and Lattes, trying to catch my tail as I spin aimlessly in wild gyrations. Life and work is crashing in all around me. My sanctuary. My peace of mind. My alone time on the trails, track and roads cut to the bare minimum. It has not been a stellar week of running. But, the streak lives on.

So with the hope of a better tomorrow, I will sleep well knowing, that even for just a brief slice of time, I still did that thing that God created me to do; move. I still managed somehow to lace up the Nikes and breathed deep the frozen air as my oxygen rich blood coursed through the old capillaries. Even for a few short miles, I felt the pleasure of being fully alive and remembered that each day, whether a lion or gazelle, hunter or prey, I run.

As always, stay healthy and keep running!

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