Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every Damn Day: Part Two

This past week was far from a stellar week of running. It seemed like for most of the week, each step took more and more effort. Nothing really ached or hurt. I was not unmotivated. I even got plenty of rest. But I had no energy. No zip in the legs. Then, to add insult to injury, Friday started with a headache and ended with a sore throat! Saturday was no better. Yet, in spite of it all, I managed to drag by old gray butt out the door and run.

I'm not sure if this means I am really committed to the goals I set forth for myself this year as an athlete or that I am a few french fries short of a Happy Meal. Friday, in the pouring rain, I laced up and ran 3 miles. Or should I say I slogged away at 3 miles just so there would not be a big fat goose-egg in the ol training log. Pounding head, burning throat, and rain soaked chilled to the bone I dragged myself around town when I could have been in a nice NyQuil induced stupor, gazing at the rain falling through the window instead of it showering my feverish body. Yup, I'm a few french fries short.

But alas, a new week awaits. Here is hoping the upcoming days bring forth a better week of running. However, as I look back over the past week, even though it sucked, I still ran. I still remembered that thing that makes me feel alive. I still, even for a few brief moments, followed my passion and chased my dream. It was slow and painful, but still I was, I am and I will be, a runner.

Here is hoping that you stay healthy this week and keep running!

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