Sunday, February 6, 2011

Every Damn Day

It only seems like a few days ago that I started my current streak of 100, but in a few minutes I will head out the door and make it officially 100 straight days of putting one foot in front of the other in my favorite fashion, fast. This time around, compared to the last streak of 100 that I did last year, I have been able to run at a much higher level. Over the past couple of months I have been able to increase my weekly mileage load, add weekly long runs, incorporate fartleks, a track session and run in a couple of races. Even though I still have a long journey ahead of me between now and July as I prepare for the World Masters Track and Field Championships, this past 100 days has been an awesome ride!

To celebrate my 100th day of running, yesterday, after running day 99, I decided to stop by the local Nike Outlet and purchase a little memento for the occasion. As I perused the bustling aisles, my eye was struck by a stack of t-shirts of varying shades of hue and lo' and behold, there it was, the perfect piece of swag to celebrate. Fumbling through a stack of gray, (Why gray? Why not red, blue, orange? Have you seen what old guy sweat does to shirts of real color?) I found one of my size. Eureka! And there it was in large bold print, for everyone who will see me huffing and puffing on the trail, they will know that I run "Every Damn Day!"

The funny thing is, there was another t-shirt that I liked much better, but I figured I am too far past my prime for it. Again, in large bold print it read, "Kicking Your A#% One Step at a Time!" I loved it! If I was 23 instead of 43, I would have bought it. In fact I had it in hand, as it was buy 2 for $20, but as the old saying goes, act your age not your shoe size, I put it back on the rack. Since my shoe size is 13, the last thing I want is people thinking I behave like a little pubescent, hormonal, awkward man-child. Besides, I haven't kicked anyone's arse for over 10 years and I am learning how to take an arse-whooping with my dignity still in place. It is a humbling experience being an older athlete. After all, that is the point, I am an older athlete. More importantly, I am an athlete "every damn day." I still enjoy being active, healthy, and seeing what my body is capable of doing.

As I lace up, head out the door and savor every stride of day 100, I hope you have found a way to still be an athlete "every damn day" and are enjoying this crazy journey called life to its fullest. Stay healthy, keep running, and hopefully I will see you on the roads, trails and at the races.

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