Friday, February 11, 2011


Now anytime I hear the word push, I automatically have three flashbacks to the days that my three children made their entrance out into the world. As any of you who have been through the birthing process know, when you take you LaMas classes, the guy's job, while his wife tries to rip his head off his shoulders while pushing out a watermelon from her, well, you know, is to calmly, passionately, lovingly tell his wife to "push." I always wondered where they came up with this little tidbit of wisdom? Is there some recorded incident where a woman just stopped in the middle of labor, packed up her belongings and said, "I've changed my mind. I keeping the little booger inside." Seriously, does a woman really need to be told by the man, to push?!! I've seen that experience up close and personal and I really don't think my wife needed me to whisper softly to her, "okay sweetie, it is time, now push." Sheesh, no wonder she tried to detach my cranium from my shoulders!

As an athlete though, we do need to "push" ourselves in order to be the best we can possibly be. But honestly, there are days that I just don't feel like pushing. There are days where an extra cup of coffee and a big fat doughnut sound like heaven! There are some days that I have to consciously remind myself that I need to "push" myself out the door and in the words of Nike, just do it. But what does it mean to "push" yourself?

Yesterday a high school teammate and friend, Mike sent me the following advice. He mentioned that he came up with an acronym to remind him of why he "pushes" himself to succeed and it is simply PUSH.
P: Pride, take pride in what you have accomplished and what you do.
U: Understand,understand what you are trying to accomplish and why it makes you a better person.
S: Self Worth, know that what you do reflects who you are and how you think of yourself.
H: Honor, try to live your life with honor and dignity.

Being an athlete is not just about being good at an activity. Being an athlete is about being a good, decent human being. It is about Pride, Understanding, Self-Worth, and Honor. So as I head out the door, I am going to remember to "push" myself and savor each step of the way.

Stay healthy, keep running and remember to PUSH your self today.

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