Saturday, April 23, 2011

Still Burning

Man, I have forgotten how the competitive fires can come roaring up, especially when they have laid dormant for so many years. As I was reading through the list of competitors for the upcoming World Masters Champs, I began to recognize names and the desire to run faster and faster and faster kept surging through my being. It was electrifying to say the least. And a little frightening. It has been a long time since I have wanted to run in a race and beat certain people. Welcome back old friend. It has been too long. It has been too, too long indeed.

I have a lengthy 12-13 weeks of training ahead of me and several more pounds to shed, plus two creaky legs that need to stay well oiled and taken care of. The goal is to line up for that first race in good health, as well as the best possible shape I can be in. But, in all honesty, I want to run faster than certain people. I know it sounds petty and childish, but this is racing. This is competition. I like all those guys and will enjoy a few laughs and some cold dark brews afterwards when we are done duking it out on the track. And, I know that they want to beat me too. This is where the fun begins. I want to beat them, they want to beat me and we want to beat anyone that is not wearing the good ol' USA across their chest. We will push our 40 something year old bodies like we are young college bucks, throwing caution to the wind and feel the thrill of being an athlete. The thrill of being a runner. The ecstasy that comes from knowing that for 12 1/2 laps you gave everything you had and left your blood, sweat and tears on that rubber surface with no regrets. Man, I can hardly wait. The fire is still burning!

So out the door I go. Each lap, telephone pole, marker along the path, will represent someone I want to beat. Each day will bring a fresh new vision of passing someone on the homestretch, the white haze that comes over you as you reach deep down in your gut for the final 100 meter kick, reaching for the finish to look over your shoulder to see that you we able to hold off your worthy adversary. Damn, this feels good. This is why I love being a runner. The primal urge to survive. To kill or be killed. The fire still raging inside.

As always, stay healthy, keep running, and I will be dreaming of passing you on the homestretch and then drinking a few cold brews with you as we celebrate another great race!

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