Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Ahhh, the sun is shining, the birdies are chirping, flowers blooming and my stinking nose is running like a leaky faucet in the middle of the night. Ugggh. I love the sun induced sweat that drenches my t-shirt as I gallop along the canals but my poor eyes and nose are having a hard time adjusting to all the pollen in the air. Every other stride I am blowing snot rockets or just simply wiping and flinging clear liquid trying not to hit any innocent bystanders as I scuttle by. Fortunately, my allergy season tends to be a short 2-3 weeks of misery and I am good until harvest season in the fall, when the whole dang process starts anew.

The only thing worst is when I get a sneezing fit in the middle of a run! Holy, stinking cow! Nothing like feeling your insides rip apart and to make a mass exodus through your nostrils. To make matters worse, it always hits mid stride while I am air borne, jerking my body wildly, and I'm praying I don't piss my shorts in the midst of the convulsion. Thankfully, with the warm weather, I sweat like a pig, not that I have witnessed a live swine defy nature and actually sweat, but I am drenched from head to toe, therefore camouflaging any other bodily fluids that have escaped any other body crevices. Oh, the humility of it all.

Yes, spring has sprung and for the next few weeks my body will soak up the sun while my running gear soaks up the body fluids, as well as the terrain I will traverse. It won't be pretty, but it must be done, for such is the life of the allergy suffering runner. So as I reach for the kleenex and lace up the Nike's to head out the door, remember, stay healthy, keep running, and if you see me running towards you, you might want to stay out of rocket range!

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