Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Silver Lining

Okays so I am out of commission for the next two weeks to let this blasted heel bone bruise heal up. No running, just a ton of ice, ibuprofen, and stretching. Core work, weights and the bike will be my friend. I'm not a big fan of cross training, so I will consider it a necessary evil to toe the line in July. So be it. It is what happens when old gray stallion thinks he is still a young bronking buck.

The silver lining in all of this is today my Team USA singlet and shorts arrived! I may not be that fast anymore, but I will at least look the part. I have to say, I was pretty jazzed to rip into the ups package to try on those navy blue shorts and top. I even slipped on my racing flats as I stared in the mirror. Yeah, I know, vanity is never pretty on an old washed up runner! But hey, you know you would too. So off to ice my heel and dream of two weeks from now when I will lace up again and join you out for a run.

As always, stay healthy, and keep running!

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