Thursday, January 20, 2011

Naked Quarters and Fartleks

I know the title sounds like a bad college drinking game, but this week was a return to a normal training cycle that included for the first time in eons, a track work-out and a fartlek session. For those who are unfamiliar with the word fartlek, it has nothing to do with the human exhaust system blowing out biofuel! It is a Swedish word that literally means "speed play." The only problem is that it did not seem like I was playing.

I am ecstatic that I was able to get to the track and attempt to turn the ol gray knobby knees over at a quick pace, however, oh man, I don't remember it taking so much effort! And to be honest, the first two 400s I wore my watch, but as soon as I saw the pace, I gasped in horror and stripped the filthy liar from my wrist! How dare it say that I run so slow. To avoid the cruel humiliation that this digital keeper of time would mock me with, I decided it would be best to plunge forward with a focus on form and effort and banish it from my flesh. Although, the damage was done. The smirk of the clock lingered in the dark corners of my mind and at the end of each repeat would whisper "you have slowed down, old man." Trudging on naked, I tried to keep in mind to take it for what it was, a first work-out.

With Monday's work out still haunting me on Wednesday, I decided there was no way I was going to let it by my defining moment of this week's training so I decided a little Swedish speed play would be just the remedy. Free of the rigid parameters of the 400 meter chevron squirrel cage, I was free to frolic at will for the predetermined time frame. However, I forgot to keep in mind that my athletes are over twenty years younger and discovered that they too, like a little Swedish speed play. As we flew along it was all fun and games. That was until the next morning.

I'm having a little trouble walking. I didn't know my legs could be so stiff. I didn't even know I had muscles in my toes that could have spasms. Have you ever looked down to see you pinky toe twitch? It is a little unsettling. But the weirdest thing of all, I am actually feeling pretty darn good. I got out and put in two good work-outs, a long run and have kept the streak alive! Each rigid step is a reminder that I am still a runner and I am on my way to my goal in July. I'm just hoping I will regain the feeling below my naval again in the next few days.

As always, stay healthy, keep running, and add a little Swedish speed play to your running days!

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