Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daily Dose of Destiny

Like most mornings, I start the day with a cup of rich, steamy, dark roast coffee and the paper, but today I took a little peek at my horoscope and I was taken aback by my daily dose of destiny. Today's words from the stars for Aquarius were as follows: "Just because you are hopeful does not mean you are naive. When the odds are not in your favor, you may realize this fact and then go forward nonetheless, acting out of a combination of faith and loyalty."

Normally, I peruse the astrological print for a good chuckle before heading out the door for the morning trot. However, today those words resonated deep within my core as an aging athlete. Each step out the door in the morning and afternoons is a hopeful stride closer to meeting my goals and dreams as an athlete, but I am not naive. I am well aware of the fact that I am now in reverse and Father Time has turned the hourglass over on me. I have ran as fast as I am ever going to run. The only way to set any personal records is to take up ultra marathons. Which at times has been attractive, mainly because it is okay to stop and eat lunch in these races. But, I have not reached the best I can be at this given point in time. This I know as well. And, this gives me hope as I push myself on a frigid foggy morning like today.

I am also very aware that the odds are often stacked against me as I pursue my quest of being one of the best 40 something athletes in my sport. Heck, there are some days I just look the wrong direction and my back twinges, tugs, and pulls in thirty-three different directions, leaving me convulsing as I try to stand up straight. Or worst, I might actually be out running when all of a sudden my hamstring pulls a zinger and I am hopping around like a mad-man, cursing at the invisible forces while spinning in circles. Hopefully, I haven't swallowed a bug to boot, so I am not foaming at the mouth! But no Dr. Doom, bad back, bad luck or gray hair is going to deter my desire. I am always just one snap of connecting tissue away from being done, but nonetheless, faithfully and loyally I will again head out the door and rack up the miles.

Who knows what the stars have in store for me tomorrow morning when my groggy eyes will once again scan the local rag? But I do know this, my adidas will be at the door, calling me to once again lace up and dream big as I do what I always do... run.

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