Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Week Off

When I took the day off on Monday, I did not intend for it to turn into nearly a whole week off of running! Yet, that is exactly what has happened. Although I did manage a few days this past week, it was very minimal as far as mileage and effort. However, I must say that I am feeling invigorated, rested, and refocused on what lays ahead for the next 100+ days of running.

After posting my time goals the other day, I have given even more thought in how to approach the next four months before my goal races of 5000 and 10000 meters at the Masters Championships in Sacramento and have discovered that this week off of running is going to be a key and crucial element to my success later in the year. I have never put a big emphasis on long streaks of running without a break, mainly because when you are training hard, recovery is just as important as the work-outs and occasionally your body needs a full day or maybe two of non-running to recover. For most runners this is every 3-4 weeks. After 105 straight days, I needed more than a day of recovery! And not just physically, but also mentally. Sneaking in 2 mile runs on your birthday at 11:00pm is not quality training! Hardcore? Yes! Quality? No! Rest days are now going to be an integral part to my training regime as I begin to prepare for Sacramento this week.

My training is now going to revolve around three week cycles that will include two weeks at 70 miles and the third week at 50-55 with a day off and if needed two. I have discovered over the past 105 days of running that my body holds up fine for about two weeks, but then it needs to rest. I discovered that when hitting 70 miles per week, I could manage another week of 65-70, but then the following week would drop to 45-50 miles and I would developed a variety of aches and pains. Then it would take another two weeks to build back up to 70 miles. Rather than ride a roller coaster of training the next four months, I am going to anticipate that my body needs a rest and take one, even if feeling good. A tired, broken-down, worn-out, and under rested athlete cannot run fast! No matter what kind of shape they are in. And I want to run as fast as this 43 year old body can go! Besides, some of my college buddies are running the champs in July too and honestly, I want to kick their old gray butts! I'm coming for you Los, Studa and Aldge!

Until the next time, keep running, stay healthy and take a well deserved nap today!

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