Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 1 of 146

Tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet, but today was officially day 1 of my training of 146 more days to follow until the Napa Marathon on March 4, 2012. Yup, the old boy is going to do it! It is time to saddle up, lace up and put in some serious mileage to conquer the rolling hills of Calistoga and Napa to qualify for the Boston Marathon in 2013.

Today's work-out was a basic fartlek I like to call the Big Mac. Although, I tweaked it a little by taking off some of the secret sauce, pickle and onions, and ran three minutes hard at 90% with a two minutes rest, then three times one minute with a one minute rest, another three minutes hard, two minute rest, another three times a minute, with, that's right, you guessed it, one minute rest followed with a final three minutes hard. With warm up and cool down it came to seven miles. A good solid effort with my high school boys team. Tomorrow will hopefully be a set of double fives and then an easy seven on Wednesday.

Well the old bones are tired and five o'clock comes pretty darn early, so it is off to dream of fast times. As always, stay healthy and keep running.

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