Sunday, December 19, 2010

Runner's Guilt

This morning I find myself putting off my run. It is still dark and the rain is falling heavily outside. Normally, I don't really care.
What needs to be done, needs to be done. Today though, more coffee sounds better. The problem is this damn runner's guilt. Even though I have just poured another cup of steamy rich French Roast with a dash of half and half, wafting the heavenly aroma of the sweet nectar of the gods, my cold, damp, muddy adidas are over in the corner giving me the puppy dog look. Uggggh.

Some days I wish I was more normal. I could curl up to my wife in our nice warm bed. I could eat a pound of bacon and not think twice about how it is going to hurt coming up later when I head out for a run. I could have man boobs and joke about needing a "bro" (man-bra) and flaunt my plumbers crack due to the fact that my big belly will not let me pull my jeans up all the way. I could even crack stupid over-used cliches such as, "the only running I do is to the 'fridge" or "I don't even drive that far."

But alas, normalcy has never been part of my DNA. There is no getting around it, there is only one way to rid myself of the guilt. Time to lace up. At least there will be a hot shower and fresh pot of hot coffee waiting for me when I get back. Besides, the coffee in my cup is cold now, so I might as well do something productive while waiting for the new pot to brew.

As always, stay healthy, dry, warm and keep running!

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