Monday, December 20, 2010

Rain, Mud and Lattes!

Today I got an early Christmas present when I got to go for a nice 6 mile run with my former Sonoma State Teammate and Roomie, Phil. I always remember running with Phil on our Sunday morning long runs in Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa, mainly because when you ran with Phil on a trail, it was going to be an adventure. Phil was an extraordinary mountain runner who could float up hills and take narrow steep goat trails down the side of hill like he was a gazelle. If he took a sudden turn up or down some barely seen break in the main trial, hang on to your running shorts, because you were about to go for a wild ride. And this morning, nearly 20 years later, was no exception.

We are both fortunate to have married beautiful women whose parents live in the San Diego area, so while on vacation, we were able to coordinate this morning's run around one of my favorite running spots, Lake Hodges. As we headed out on the trails in the rain, it was like being transported back in time to when we were both slimmer and fleet of foot as we came upon the first big puddle and Phil barrels through sending a cascade of mud and backsplash my way, laughing the whole time. If the run would have ended right then and there, it would have been more than worth it just to experience that moment of us just being free and doing that thing we love. Although, later I did slip and slid down the side of a hill and had a little difficulty getting upright, providing some more laughs.

As we traversed the mud and yuck we chatted away about life, kids, and work forgetting that we are a couple of middle-aged adults scantily clad running around in the rain. Long gone are the discussions about winning races, classes and what career paths to take, but the connection between two former teammates, more importantly friends, is still there and strong. Even though I am still out enjoying this crazy life, I will never be able to replace certain people and when I run without them, there is a void that can only be filled with memories. But what great memories they are!

Phil, thanks for a great run and a life time of memories! Here's hoping it does not take us this long again to enjoy a rainy romp on the trails and a great cup of coffe afterwards.

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