Thursday, August 2, 2012

Last of the Cossacks!

This year so far has been one of the best running years I have had in a long, long time and definitely the best since becoming a masters runner. The funny thing is that it comes on the heels of having a heart attack and making some major life changes in the wake of that event. It truly goes to show what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. Now I am not a politically correct person. I personally feel the whole political correctness approach to life is a crock of... Seriously, my students and athletes know that I care for them because I genuinely care, not because I took some stupid 3 Steps to Caring Communication Seminar. I am sensitive to others because I was taught right from wrong by my parents, teachers, and coaches who didn't give a rip about my self esteem or feelings but rather or not I was a good person who made good choices. They didn't care if I was offended. If a made a poor choice, it wasn't because I was misunderstood, it was rather I misunderstood and paid the consequences for my decision. So what does my rant against political correctness have to do with running? Glad you asked. The highlight of the year so far was my second race of the year back in February when I traveled up to Santa Rosa, Ca to run in a little race called the Valley Ford Relays. It is important to note that the Valley Ford Relays is a Sonoma County running classic. Teams of four run a back and forth relay in a little town, Valley Ford, for the glory of bragging rights. Pure and simple, race hard, enjoy a beer afterwards, and swap tall tales. It really doesn't get any better. No awards. No medals. No self esteem building finisher medal. No fancy high tech microfiber participant shirt. It is not an overpriced politically correct fundraiser for some obscure cause. Just runners racing hard, laughing hard, and enjoying the beautiful spring morning in one of the most picturesque places in California. For this year's event, I could think of no better way to celebrate not only my birthday, but my second chance at life than running with my college teammates Phil, Stu, and our coach, Aldge. I have to give credit where credit is due, it was Stu who came up with our team name Last of the Cossacks. When we ran at Sonoma State back in the 80's and 90's our school mascot was the Cossacks. What a great mascot! Everywhere we ran we were always asked, "What is a cossack?" We loved it. "A cossack is a Russian horseman who was known for his ferocious military skills, which included burning villages, pillaging, and leaving a wake of destruction. Kind of like what we are going to do to you today when we race!" But times being what they are, a few years ago our school mascot was changed to the Seawolves. Now, being an English teacher, I appreciate the Jack London reference, but come on! Really! Is that an intimidating mascot? Not when it is compared to a Cossack! Cossacks evoke fear. Seawolves evoke...what is a seawolf? It is not as fun to explain. Curse you political correctness. Racing is not a politically correct endeavor. It is a raw, animalistic instinct that requires you to be ruthless. The objective is to finish first. If you don't finish first, your objective is to finish as high up the ladder as possible. No question, second is better than third. Seventh is better than tenth. Outkicking someone is more fun than being outkicked. And here is the beautiful one takes it personally! When you race, everyone understands the rules and the agenda. I am not going to let you beat me because your feelings might get hurt. I don't care if it crushes your self-esteem. Get over yourself and get out there and train. If you beat me, good for you! You earned it. Now, lets share a beer together. When we race, we are warriors and warriors do not live by a code of political correctness. Warriors live by a code of honor that values effort, personal integrity, and a resolve to see things through to the finish. There is a mutual respect that is earned through effort. It is real. Our Last of the Cossacks team finished 1st in the over 40 category and either 4th or 5th overall that February Saturday morning. We were far removed from our prime racing times, but we raced hard. We were Cossacks. When we toe the line again next February, we will once again remind Sonoma County that SSU is the home of the Cossacks, not the Seawolves, throw political correctness to the wind, and leave a wake of destruction on the race course! We are the Last of the Cossacks!

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